Many children get anxious or nervous about visiting the dentist. This is completely normal. The poking and prodding and the strange sounds of the dentist tools make many patients uneasy. Fortunately, we offer many options for sedating your child so they can feel relaxed and calm during their dental procedures.

At Pop Smiles Dentistry, we want your child to develop positive associations with dental care. To do this, we offer sedation dentistry to help your child feel comfortable in the dentist’s chair. Dr. Jamil Sowan is licensed in pediatric sedation. We invite you to call our office at (703) 844-0404 to learn more about sedation dentistry for children in Manassas, Virginia. Schedule your child’s dental appointment today.

children sedation dentistry manassas va

The safety and comfort of your child are our top concerns when performing sedation dentistry. Before we perform any treatment, our dentist will discuss the possible sedation options with you. We will also asses your child’s medical history to determine the best type of sedation. We will make sure your child is safe throughout the entire process. Your child will be carefully monitored during their visit.

It is important to note that sedation does not control pain. The dentist will use injections at the treatment sites to ensure your child is free of pain throughout the procedure.

Types of Children’s Sedation Dentistry

Young and nervous children are good candidates for sedation dentistry. It may also be recommended for children who have a strong gag reflex or require extensive dental procedures. There are several forms of sedation available. They include the following:

  • Nitrous oxide. More commonly known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is a mild sedative that is inhaled through the nose. It consists of a faint, sweet smell and typically works within five minutes. It helps children feel calm and relaxed. They may even feel euphoric after inhaling this gas. At the end of your child’s treatment, the dentist will provide pure oxygen to ensure all nitrous oxide is removed from their body.
  • Oral sedation. Oral sedatives are typically given in liquid or pill form. It takes 20 minutes to take effect so you will give it to your child before their appointment. By the time they arrive for their appointment, they should feel relaxed and calm. They may even feel drowsy.
  • IV (intravenous) sedation. With IV sedation, the medication is administered directly into a vein via injection. The medicine enters your child’s bloodstream and helps them feel relaxed. Since many children are scared of needles, the dentist will use nitrous oxide to calm them down before inserting the needle. We may also use a tube to help them breathe. IV sedation allows your child to get more medicine during longer procedures.

Contact Us Today

Overall, your child’s dental health is extremely important. If they have a fear of the dentist, the staff at Pop Smiles Dentistry will help them feel very comfortable. We offer many sedation options. In addition, we can answer your questions about children’s sedation dentistry. Call our dental office to schedule a consultation with our dentist today.