If you are missing one or more teeth that are adjacent to each other, dental bridges may be a good choice for restoring your smile. A bridge is a non-removable dental restoration. A dental bridge is anchored with two dental crowns. These crowns are custom-made and are placed on the teeth or dental implants next to the space left by the missing tooth. These crowns work to hold the pontic, or artificial tooth. This keeps the bridge in place, preventing it from coming loose.

dental bridges manassas va

Dental bridges can be completed in just two visits. They are a great choice for restoring the function and appearance of your smile. They are less costly than implants and can last 10 years or longer with proper care. The bridge can fail if you do not brush and floss on a daily basis.

If you have a gap in your smile, our dentist may recommend a dental bridge. This will close the gap and improve your biting function. To learn more about dental bridges in Manassas, Virginia, call Pop Smiles Dentistry at (703) 844-0404 to schedule a consultation with our talented dentist, Dr. Jamil Sowan.

Benefits of Dental Bridges

A dental bridge can enhance the appearance of your smile in many ways. It offers the following benefits:

  • Replaces removable dentures
  • Improves the volume and shape of your face
  • Allow you to eat, chew, and speak normally
  • Reduces stress on the bite
  • Enhances the appearance of your smile
  • Keeps natural teeth in place so they do not shift and affect other teeth

Types of Dental Bridges

There are several types of dental bridges to choose from:

  • Traditional. This is the most common type of bridge. One or more false teeth are held in place by teeth on both ends. The teeth at the ends have crowns on top. This is the best bridge to choose if you have natural teeth on both sides.
  • Cantilever. A cantilever bridge is similar to a traditional bridge, but the dental crown is cemented to just one tooth. This bridge works well if you have only one natural tooth on one side.
  • Implant-supported. Instead of crowns and framework, implants are used for each missing tooth as much as possible. It may be possible to use pontics in place of some implants. This is the strongest type of bridge, but also the most extensive. It takes two surgeries to complete: one for the implants and one for the bridge work. The procedure can take many months.
  • Maryland. A Maryland bridge is similar to a traditional bridge, except it uses porcelain or metal framework instead of crowns. You must have a natural tooth on both sides of the gap.

Contact Us Today

If you are missing a tooth, you have several options to enhance your smile. Learn if a dental bridge is best. Our dentist can determine if a custom dental bridge is a right choice for restoring your smile. For more information or to schedule an appointment, Call or visit Pop Smiles Dentistry today.